Monday, January 14, 2008

What does my birth month means??

Your Birth Month is November

Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.
You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.

Your soul reflects: Compassion, friendship, and secret love

Your gemstone: Citrine

Your flower: Chrysanthemum

Your colors: Dark blue, red, and yellow

Friday, January 4, 2008

The fall of a rising star

Dr Chua, within 24 hours after admitting that he was the man in the sex video tape, quit all his posts.

His action has definately caused his family to suffer in grieve, and for he himself, it's a political suicide. However, i must offer my respect for the former health minister for having the guts to admit and apology for making such a great mistake. Knowing the consequences that his political career will be doomed forever, he owns up to it. This has certainly set a good example to other Y.B.s: to admit that you have done wrong, do not tell lies coz the rakyat ain stupid.

Well, i respect his courage to admit his mistakes, does not mean that i acknowledge his action. A man, being a father and a HUSBAND, must remain faithful and loyal to your family. A nation leader, must be aware that you are elected by the rakyat and you are there to serve the rakyat and set a good example for a rakyat. That tape, is an infringment to privacy; but, that's also part of the political game. So, beware, don't be naugthy; once you get caught, goodbye forever. Well, unless you are some 'thick-skin' people...